Elle came first and we managed to meet at Seoul station without too much difficulty and no mobile phones. It was ace, just like before mobile technology took over our lives. I remember the old days when someone would say "Yes, I'll be at this place at that time", and they would stick to it. None of those phone calls whilst your waiting at Hendon Central apologising but saying they'll be twenty minutes late. That's all well and good that you've called me, but I'm still standing here, waiting, looking like a tosser. Just because you can phone and apologise doesn't make it alright to be late without a good reason. And no, doing your hair is not an excuse boys and girls. Ok, rant over.
Of course I'm not talking about anyone specifically here. Simply my general generation. We're all guilty of abusing mobile communications at some point.
Elle spent a happy two weeks hanging out at my apartment, coming into school to observe the madness of my students (her words, not mine), and navigating the important sights of Seoul. Eventually Phil turned up and the two of them took off to Daecheon to enjoy the beach and seafood delights. Well, Phil enjoyed the seafood, I think Elle was a bit iffy when it came to octopus. Before Elle left we had a great night out at club night in Seoul and stayed down there to shove Elle on an aiport-bound bus and show new teacher/arrival Felicty a few sights and sounds of Seoul. Mainly Starbucks and a greek restaurant, but I think she got the picture.
I loved having Phil and Elle, and now that they've gone I only have one and a half month's left before I finish my contract and travel around Japan and Russia. It's getting exciting.....
Oh, additionally, enjoy this. It's a photo of my 6 year old class with the homage to big bird we made by drawing around and cutting out our hands. My hand is Big Bird's hand as theirs were too small. Lovely stuff.