2006년 11월 18일 토요일

I've managed to find some cinemas! I'm saved!

Yesterday I went to a nearby city called Ilsan. It's much bigger than my lil' town and has lots of shops and department stores. With the help of a kindly westerner (also an English teacher) that Jo and I accosted on the street we located two department stores that had cinemas on their top floors. That seems to be the way they do it here, which is a real bugger because it means cinemas are almost always impossible to spot, even if you're standing right in front of the building they're in. Locals just seem to know they are there. But no matter, the important thing is that they ARE there.

Western films are never dubbed here, only subtitled, which is fantastic. Also, Korea is only about a month behind the releases in the UK, which means I should be able to catch Casino Royale soon (fingers crossed). Yesterday I saw The Prestige and, though the ending is somewhat long and spelt out so much even a monkey could understand it, it's not half bad. It's directed by the guy who did Memento and Batman Begins and has a great turn from the delicious Christian Bale. If you like drama, plot twists and magic then see it. But be warned, don't go if you're only going to see Scarlett Johansson, her part is really small and though her English accent was good the character was fairly dull and transparent

It was great to go to the cinema, it had been a few weeks and I was starting to feel withdrawal symptoms. The place we went to also had fairly good popcorn, so that's another addiction I don't have to stop!

Good news all round I thought, and well worth waffling about.

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