2006년 11월 29일 수요일


Last weekend I was very good to my body. I ate some proper food and I went for two walks!

On Saturday we went to a city called Ilsan, which is about halfway between here and Seoul. This is the city with easy to get to cinemas, so it is quickly becomiong a favourite of mine. They are very into exercise there, and all the local pakrs have bits of gym equipment in them that anyone can use for free! In the middle of the city there is a woody sort of park thing, which is pretty much just a massive hill they propbably couldn't actually build anything on. So we walked through there for an hour or two. Strange place. We went in an odd way I think, so that we climbed up a small path in the middle of the woods without seeing anyone, then we came to an open clearing with loads of bench pressing equipment and dozens of people milling about. Then we suddenly got onto another small path and wandered off into the woods again. Up the top it is a long ridgeway and we saw a fair few people there. I even saw a hospital patient who'd climbed up the hill and had a few tubes dangling from somewhere. She gave us a nod and a "hello" and seemed very excited to have seen Westerners. We later walked pastt he National Cancer Centre of Korea so Ithink she must have come form there, as she had a hat on and no discernable hair. Very impressive, I only just made it up and I'm techinically healthy.

So anyhoo, that walk was fun, and afterwards we went to the movies, so I was very happy. Got to see The Departed again, and excellent film. Scorsese's back on track, we'll just ignore the whole Gangs of New York/Aviator fiasco.

On Sunday we went to Seoul and climbed up through another "bang in the middle of the city" hill-park thing. This time I had to use steps, not a path, so it was a tad dull. But the view was great and it gave me a real feeling of how big the city is, and it's massive! It just goes on and on and out all the way to the mountains that hem the city in all around. It was one of those hazy days that aren't actually warm, but when you walk up a hill you want to take off all the stuff you'd bundled up with. So I had scarves and hats and all sorts hanging off me.

So I gave my body a good workout, then I ate some pasta we'd managed to find in a department store supermarket. Pasta! Yay!

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